Established in partnership with an innovative, multidisciplinary network of cancer treatment clinics, CRC has an extensive background in relationship building among various health care constituencies. CRC has identified three areas where it can most effectively apply organizational strengths to achieve progress in cancer research.
Cancer Therapies
Advancements in our knowledge of cancer have enabled researchers to identify and investigate previously unimaginable ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. Cancer Research Collaboration will raise funds to support community research projects that offer patients access to new therapies and technologies while collecting data for researchers.
Cancer Research Collaboration intends to establish a biospecimen repository, or biobank, to store biological samples from cancer patients, such as tumor tissue and blood. Researchers in the field of molecular diagnostics can use these samples to investigate innovative therapies and technologies.
Advanced Imaging
Through a collaboration with RadNet, one of the nation’s leading providers of outpatient imaging services, Cancer Research Collaboration will work with investigators who require access to quality imaging for their clinical trials. Access to advanced imaging capabilities can aid researchers investigating all types of diseases, from cancer to Alzheimer’s.